Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Decline of the word "Black"

Have you noticed that their has been a decline of the word black? Folks in the social sciences are using the term "minority" to include other racial groups such as hispanics/latinos, native americans, asians, etc. Out of no disrepect to any other groups, I believe that this is a way to divert the attention of way from black people and the issues that have plagued us for centuries. I think that this is another way to "water" down black issues by including them with the issues of others. I see it in the classroom, literature, at conferences, etc. Its everywhere. When I speak of black issues, some of my colleagues "respectfully" chime in and state, "its not just the black people, or we cannot not exclude other minorities." Well I say this, we should clean up the first mess before we start cleaning up mess #2,3, and so forth. I too have been responsible for this, by starting organizations and programs that I wanted just for blacks but have been asked to name it "minority" to not exclude others. Is this such a bad thing? Is this the way to advance blacks in the academic field by including all minorities?

Monday, May 24, 2010


I often find it difficult trying to maintain a balance of selfish (but necessary) aspirations and service. Most of my mentors are constantly beating my head in about focusing on the things that I need to do that will benefit me the most. I struggle with wanting to help other black folk that see me in a position to provide assistance to them. This is and has been (I have been told) a problem that will always be there. I appreciate the love and accept the responsibility of holding down my people but must admit the internal struggle does exists.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Out of Touch

I must first apologize for not staying on my dean but no excuses are acceptable. I would like to thank my followers for all the love and ask for their forgiveness. I am back on and will be much more active from this day forward.